Bountiful High School
Class Of 1971

Summer 2022 Newletter
Bountiful Braves Class of 1971
Once a Brave – always a Brave!
Dear Bountiful High Classmates,
What a wonderful 50th reunion we had in September at the Bountiful Bowery! There were so many positive comments and class members who enjoyed this event, and many who wished they’d had more time to attend, visit, etc., that the committee has decided we should have another reunion in 2026! YEAH!!!!!
We would like to keep ALL of you posted better this time around and need your help! We have a fantastic webpage with all of your names and information of many classmates. We want to utilize the webpage better and keep it updated so that we don’t miss anyone, and we can stay current to better prepare for the next reunion. To do so, we need your help with several items:
- Please keep your profile updated with your contact information so we can reach all of you with information about our next reunion and more. Please add pictures and information about your self, your family and what keeps you busy! Click 'Edit Profile' in the left menu.
- Please create an album of your pictures from the 50th reunion on our webpage. Here is how to do it:
- Log onto www.bountiful71.com
- Click '50th Reunion' in the upper left corner
- At page bottom click 'Add/Edit photos'
- A window will open 'Edit Photos for 50th Reunion Photos'
- Click 'Add Photos.' A window showing your computer directories will open. Navigate to your photos, select a photo or photos and click 'upload.' When the upload is done you will see an option to create tags or comments, make minor adjustments or delete photos. When you are complete press 'done.'
TIPS - It is best to upload photos from a computer or laptop. The webpage prefers to upload .jpg files. Some iPhone cameras and MAC computers are saving photos in .heif format. If so, drag your photos into a temporary directory. As you do that MACOS will change the format to .jpg. Upload your photos from that directory rather than your MAC photo library. The class website will upload 15 photos at one time. If you have difficulties send a message to Scott Chaffin using the 'Contact Us' link on this site.
- Please post knowledge of “fallen Braves” as you come across this information, by sending a note to 'Contact Us.' Tom Tripp has been working very diligently to organize that list.
- As we look forward to the next reunion in 2026 please note that the needs of class reunion planning and the cost of keeping the website up and running requires an ongoing financial expense. The Class Committee is very grateful for your donations. Please click the 'Donate Now' button in the upper right corner. A small annual donation would be appreciated!
- Please give us input as to what you would like to see at our next event!
- The committee plans to keep everyone updated quarterly (for now) to insure the site is current, so feel free to use it and become more familiar with the different areas of information. Suggestions are also welcome!
- The committee is anyone and all who would like to participate in any way!
We had a great High School graduating class! We are proud to have graduated together and share fond memories of the past and present.
Sincerely, Greg Call and BHS class of ’71 Committee
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